Review 5/10/2011
Beware of these guys. They RIPPED my 80 year old Father off. He called them to repair a leaky faucet. They arrived and worked on the faucet. The faucet leaked as bad when they were done. They had the nerve to show him the price in their little"BOOK" that the cost was $169.00 to make the repair. Keep in mind it still leaked. My Father was confused and doesn't like confrontations.
The guy even wrote on the invoice in not very legible writhing. That customer will repair himself. He then had my Father sign it. So he ended up paying $169.00 for a still leaking faucet.
They told him they would have to replace the whole faucet for $800.00. My Father said no.
I called Dutton to try to resolve this matter fairly. They had no interesting discussing it with me. They were rude and couldn't care less. They said Hey your Dad signed it and that's that.
I tried to dispute the charge on the Credit Card he used. But, with all the fine print that Dutton wrote in there. They made him pay because he did sign it.
The real deal is the Pray on Elderly and weak people.
We since hire a GOD HONEST Plumber. He replace the faucet. He supplied and replaced the faucet. Did a great job. it only took him about 45 minutes to complete. He charged only $400.00. Seemed like a fair price. And guess what it didn't even leak when he finished.
So don't get ripped off by DUTTON like we did. Spend your hard earned money on an HONEST Plumber.