Melinda D.'s review of Herstyler, LLC

Herstyler, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/28/2011
. 1
. 0
Review 6/28/2011
Here is the letter I wrote to the company's customer service department on Saturday:
I was at Ontario Mills Mall (Ontario, CA) today (6/25/11) at approximately 12:15pm, when one of your salespeople at a kiosk aggressively approached me regarding your product. I tried to explain to him that i do not need a new flat iron, as I am perfectly happy with the one I have (and hardly ever even use) and he kept telling me to "listen to me", "listen to me", "your iron is no good" and I kept telling him no thank you, i have one and Im not interested. As I was attempting to walk away, he touched my hair and told me "this is why your hair is so damaged!" I do not appreciate being accosted and insulted when I am at the mall. I am very sure your company would not tolerate this sort of behavior or encourage this "selling technique". Quite frankly, I am appalled, angry and in addition, i filed a complaint at the mall customer service desk.
Your attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Here is thier response:
Thank you for your email.
We are sorry for your experience at one of the retail locations.
However, we are the manufacture and a separate entity from the
owners/employees of that kiosk, we are not a franchise, and we don't
have any control of the employees behavior

Best Regards,

Yifat Oshri
Customer Relations
Mazal Enterprise
Toll Free: 1-877-554-1777 X132
Tel: 818-830-3900 \ Fax: 818-830-3595
19849 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91324

In other words they dont care. As far as "customer service" i dont believe there is any.
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Hours   Phone   (818) 886-3200 Address   19849 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91324
Website Email
Contact   Gali Lozani Other  
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