Chai S.'s review of VIS Racing Sports, Inc.

VIS Racing Sports, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 10/5/2011
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Review 10/5/2011
I bought a full vis nismo v2 bodykit sometime late august or early september for my 350z. Before my car went into the body shop i ordered the kit. Turns out they shipped me a V1 body kit in the next few days. First thing i did was inspect the bumper. I was going to just keep the bumper and said forget it, until i actually inspected the bumper. The bumper was obviously repaired as a half ass job so noticeable. I took out a white out and circle the problems that were on the bumper. Then i test fitted the bumper. So i called in to tell them the problem, then they said send some pictures so I emailed the pictures to VIS, stating first of all you guys sent me a V1 KIT, NOT A V2 second of all there were damages on the bumper that was not repaired all the way and last the fitment was horrible. SO i been getting text messaging stating they are working on it. A few days later i ask "what is going on"? The guy stated your bumper will be shipped out soon. Couple more days i am asking for a tracking number. They did not give me one so i waited till the next couple days. Now i am furious i called to speak to Chris the "owner" of vis. Quoted "where is my v2 bumper and what is taking so long?" I told Chris if this is a problem then i will just have to report you guys to Better Business Online, So i called back up a few days later, asking where is my bumper. What do you know, they are still reviewing my bumper. Now what else can i do now? I got online to look for some info on how to file a complaint. And i filed a complaint through better business online. I called up Chris i told him i filed a complaint. He said thats not fair he sent my bumper out, So i said where is my tracking? Keep in mind this took 10 business days not counting weekends. I told Chris the turn around time for my car being in the shop was only two weeks and after that i will be charge for storage fees. Now the bumper arrives and my car is past due. It stayed in the body shop for another 3days before it was done. So i told Chris i am not satisfied on how you guys run the business i am now stuck with a storage fee that i had to pay myself. The best words i heard were "not my problem". Another one was you pay for what you get. So i thought to myself is this rep bashing on his on company? I swear i am not the only victim here. I heard and read numerous people getting wrong bumpers or hood shipped. Just to let everyone know if you are in the market of buying a body kit or just a bumper, stay away from VIS RACING. When stuff like this happens they will not take the blame. They will try to turn it on you and not deal with you. Funny how they have so many complaints on sending out the right product. VIS should work on hiring some new employee instead of some drunks or druggie working at their warehouse.
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Hours   Phone   (626) 839-9833 Address   18856 East San Jose Avenue
City of Industry, CA 91748-1325
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